Deforestation and Biodiversity

Deforestation leads to loss of biodiversity… We protect endangered species

Renewable Energy versus Fossil Energy

For an increase in the proportion of renewable energies in the energy mix, but above all, energy efficiency and increased sobriety in our energy consumption habits, we raise awareness and provide training...

Agriculture and food security

Food security threatened, requires new paradigms with, dedicated economic intelligence and research development, to prevent imminent food disasters...

Adaptation and resilience

The development of human capital, a necessity, even an emergency, to achieve certain resilience and real adaptation. To do this, we train, we educate and we raise awareness ....

Recent publications

Our publications and those of partners, or other sister organizations, to keep you informed on climate change issues

26 May 2022

JUSA _Journée Universitaire de la Sécurité alimentaire

Ce lundi 23 mai 2022, à l'Université de FHB de Cocody, s'est tenue la première Edition de la...

02 January 2024

Cérémonie de lancement Cop 15 Désertification

Cérémonie de lancement des consultations nationales, Cop 15 Désertification et sécheresse&n...